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Pink Rose Dieta - Journey into the Heart

Pink Rose Dieta - Journey into the Heart

Pink Rose Dieta - Journey into the Heart

This 7 day Online Retreat is a deep journey into the heart, with the medicine and healing codes of the pink Rose.

Ceremonial plant dieting is a traditional method to connect deeply with all aspects of plants. It is the ancient practice of receiving the knowledge and healing codes of curative plants, like the rose (which holds the highest frequency of all plants) by imbibing their medicine, over a period of time.

This opens spiritual gateways and activates powerful transformation at physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.       

During Dieta, our channels of perception are opened, and a more direct communication with the ‘Sacred Within’ and the spirit of the plants is possible.

Rose has a remarkable power to open, heal and awaken the heart.

We will be journeying with the pink Rose, in sacred ceremony, and honouring the unique spiritual and physical signatures of it. By drinking the tea preparation of the plant every day, in ceremony, to allow her medicine to work through us.

 What will you receive:

 -An e-book with full instructions of how to conduct your dieta at home with daily activities. For instance, instructions to prepare a simple baño (“banyo”) (“bath” in Spanish) of Rose and bless/wash ourselves with this preparation.

 -3 live online ceremonies hosted by myself. Including heart healing and opening sessions, Qigong movement, acupressure massage and healing sound practices to support the heart and your journey with the rose. Journey into the wheels of light.

-Audios and resources to help guide you on your journey. Including a recorded Qigong practice to keep for life.

-Optional WhatsApp group to share experiences, insights and connect with each other through the process.

This is a ‘social’ dieta so is less restrictive, you can conduct it in your own time and space, with online support from me. You can work this retreat around your life and commitments.

The 3 online sessions are recorded, so if you can’t make them live you can watch it back in your own time. You can continue to work and socialize as normal and work the dieta retreat around you.

During the period of your dieta you try make a commitment to:

  • 30mins- 1 hour a day of being outside in nature.

  • One session of meditation and/or prayer per day. Even 5 minutes is enough.

  • Gentle digital detox. Lesson time spent on social media, watching tv. Its ok to see a movie once in a while, or to use the screen to communicate with friends, or to research and educate yourself, but try to refrain from mindless habitual digital engagement is off-limits. Why not be creative or rest instead?

  • Where possible the invitation is to consciously dedicate more time for art, crafts, nature walks, gardening, journaling, dancing, ceremony, singing, journaling, dream journaling, visioning, creative writing etc. A dedicated time for your Soul!

Dietary Restrictions:

In order to create the right conditions in our body for the work of our dieta plant, I suggest the following:

  • No pork or red meat

  • No alcohol or chemical recreational drugs

  • Lesson caffeine

  • No stimulants

  • No dairy

  • No refined sugar (natural raw honey and fruit is ok)

  • No fiery spices, onion, garlic.

  • Avoid processed foods in general – bread, pasta, things that come in packets from factories.

  • Go lightly on oil and salt.

Wholesome organic veggies, grains, beans, chicken, fish, eggs, fruits and high-quality water is the way to go – in whichever way you prefer for your body.

You will need to source organic rose petals, which can be purchased inexpensively from your local health food shop or online or picked from your garden.

You can also make or buy a Rose Flower Essence to enhance the journey. An optional Rose tincture can also be added.

If you feel strongly called to take part in this dieta, but are struggling financially, please get in contact as I have payment plans and concession spots.

 What Are the Physical Benefits of Rose:

-Helps all heart conditions.

-Uplifts and calms the nervous system, relieves insomnia and soothes heart palpitations.

-Boosts immune system.

-Detoxes liver, clears heat in the body and toxins.

-Balances stomach acid and supports the digestive system.

-Eliminates waste from the urinary tract.

-Rose has an affinity for the female reproductive system.

-Useful for heavy or irregular periods, infertility, painful periods, and uterine fibroids.

-Supportive for PCOS and Endometriosis.  

-Rose enhances sexual desire.

-Is anti-ageing and beneficial for all skin conditions.


-And much more..

What Are The Spiritual and Energetic Qualities of the Pink Rose:  

- Soothes, softens and opens the heart. Melts away pain and the armor we build around our hearts. Can bring an enormous sense of relief when we let her in. Protects the heart and auric field.

-Melts away emotional pain. transmutes feelings of anxiety, loss, betrayal, grief, heartbreak, guilt, feelings of panic, sadness, emotional trauma, apathy, disconnection, daily stress, shame and anything that keeps us from accepting and loving ourselves.

-Connects us to unconditional love.

-Carries the energy of oneness and union. Helps heal feelings of separation and to connect more with all other beings and source.

-It energetically strengthens us, supports emotional equilibrium, helping us to feel safe and contained.

-Ruled by both Venus and the Moon she has a feminine nature and is a plant of the goddess. She carries all aspects of the goddess - the ability to love and nature, see the beauty in all things. Assists connection with our inner feminine energy

-Connects us to feelings of ecstasy and joy. She restores our joyful inner child and helps with trust issues. Promotes playfulness and diminishes overly serious dispositions.

-Helps reconnect us to pleasure.

-She teaches us to learn the balance of giving and receiving.

-Helps shift stuck beliefs.

-She brings teachings about boundaries.

-Helps overcome apathy, spurring motivation and providing energy to make life changes.

-Reduces procrastination and feelings of overwhelm.

-Helps you attract love more easily.

-Promotes beauty from the inside out, enhances radiant and lustrous appearance.

-Helps you feel beautiful and confident of your physical appearance. Enhances radiant skin, that begins from within.

-Supports when depleted mentally and physically.

-Enhances light heartedness and feelings of happiness; revives hope.

-Addresses depression that descends for no known reason.

Rose Can Help You If:

-You lack love in your life, including self-love and acceptance.

-Don’t feel excited by much that life offers.

-Are resigned to your current condition.

-Lack excitement or pleasure in your life.

-You feel a calling to the Rose path.

-You have lost all motivation.

-Feel like you’re just going through the motions of life.

-Have you lost interest in activities you used to enjoy?

-Do you feel that your life lacks pleasure, yet have no idea what would be fun or meaningful to you?

25 September

Women’s Wellness & Foraging Retreat Spa Day